Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

The Russian army has destroyed more than 60% of electricity production capacity in Ukraine, with increasingly severe consequences for the population. Power cuts have become a daily occurrence, sometimes lasting more than half the day and affecting the whole country.

To cope with these permanent blackouts, companies have installed generators, but these are impossible to use for individuals living in apartment blocks, and they are expensive to fuel.

To enable the inhabitants of Kherson oblast to continue communicating and enjoying themselves on their smartphones during the long periods spent in the underground shelters, we have financed "anti-blackout" kits, consisting of a mobile phone charger, a rechargeable bulb and a small solar panel, thanks to your donations.

This programme is coordinated on the ground by our partners Kate and Andriy from the Ukrainian NGO Union of Help to Kherson (https://www.facebook.com/UNIONKHERSON)with whom we have been working successfully for over a year.

We want to continue with these distributions and we need everyone's help to do so in the long term. A complete kit costs 13 dollars and we buy everything in Ukraine. Thank you in advance for your help!

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
