Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

Ce mois d’octobre marque une nouvelle étape dans notre engagement aux côtés des populations civiles de l’oblast de Kherson et de notre partenaire local Union of Help to Kherson, avec une série de programmes menés en parallèle ayant pour fil rouge le bien-être des enfants en temps de guerre.

We began by delivering fifty computers, kindly donated by French companies via the NGO Action numérique solidaire. These computers have found their way into primary schools in small villages. By providing access to digital tools, we are offering children not only the means to learn in difficult conditions, but also hope for the future, by enabling them to stay connected to a world of opportunities.

At the same time, we have equipped several air raid shelters with dozens of board games and hundreds of children's books. When the sirens sound and families take refuge in these shelters, the children often have to spend long hours waiting for the bombing to stop. Thanks to these games and books, these moments, although terrifying, are transformed into opportunities for socialisation, escape and learning. The children form bonds, share laughter and leave behind, if only for a moment, the weight of war.

We firmly believe that even in the darkest of times, it is possible to bring light and hope. These actions are the fruit of an incredible surge of solidarity, but we still need your help to continue this mission. Every donation enables us to continue to provide essential equipment, support these children and offer them moments of respite.

We're counting on you to help us write the next chapter in this wonderful story. Make a donation today and help us to carry out even more actions of this kind. Because by supporting children, we are protecting the future.

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
