Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

Our programme to create children's libraries is continuing, with the invaluable support of our friends Andy and Sara Kurtzig from the Californian JaxFund foundation.

This time, we distributed 150 books to two centres for vulnerable families run by the "You Too" association, located in the village of Vysoky in the Kharkiv region (see their Instagram page : https://www.instagram.com/youtoocenter). These centres organise classes for children and psychological support sessions for displaced families. These books offer children an escape from a reality that none of them should have to face.

With this new delivery, we are approaching 2,000 books distributed. Considering that one book is read by around 10 children over time, the impact of our programme reaches almost 20,000 children. This is a source of great satisfaction for us.

In the coming days, these centres will also receive dozens of board games, enabling children to share moments of conviviality and take part in joint activities, which are often rare in certain regions of the country where schooling is at a distance. After two and a half years of war, following two years of pandemic, many children's social skills have plummeted. These games aim to give them a renewed taste for social interaction.

We intend to continue this programme, and to do so we need your continued help. Thank you for your generosity. We guarantee you a concrete and rapid impact.

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
