Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

Our recent field distributions have allowed us to update our list of priority needs in Ukraine. We are not able to meet all of them, but we carefully select projects that have a real impact on the population.

This time we are carrying a new project, which is the result of a real need.

In talking to local people, we found that Ukrainian women suffer from a great deal of insecurity when it comes to access to periodical protection. This is true throughout Ukraine and even more so in remote villages where access to shops is often difficult. These hygiene products are in constant demand from charitable organisations.

Today, we want to invest in making women less dependent on humanitarian aid and getting them out of the precarious situation they find themselves in.

Thanks to our cooperation with the Polish company Pupus, which manufactures washable sanitary towels and which is offering us preferential rates, we want to send hundreds of washable towels to Ukraine, which can be used by Ukrainian women even in the most isolated villages.

Thanks to special rates negotiated with the manufacturer, a washable towel costs 3€. We plan to distribute kits consisting of 3 towels (2 in size L and one in size M). 

All the money collected will be used to purchase the towels and deliver them to the beneficiaries.

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
