Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

Our new project is funding a mobile health units for newly liberated villages in southern and eastern Ukraine. It is a project created by the French NGO Road to Relief, which has been working miracles since the beginning of the conflict by taking considerable risks to evacuate civilian populations away from the front lines.

Mobile health units are fully equipped ambulances that bring medical services to areas where access to care is limited or non-existent. These multi-purpose vehicles are often used in unstable situations, such as armed conflict, and allow teams on the ground to bridge the gap in medical care, even in the most remote and inaccessible areas.

The services offered by the mobile health units vary, but generally include a spectrum of preventive measures (such as health awareness and medical diagnosis), and care (such as dental care and minor surgery).

The villages where Road to Relief operates are located on the front lines in the Donbass and Kherson regions. In the midst of the fighting, these areas are constantly bombed, day and night, and casualties are commonplace. These areas lack everything, starting with gas, electricity and running water. Doctors have left, hospitals have been destroyed, looted or closed. There are no medical staff or hospital facilities. For treatment, people have to travel to the nearest town, a journey of several hours, on dangerous roads, and often, it is not even possible to travel due to to fuel shortage.

Several months of conflict have made medical assistance one of the most urgent priorities. The wounded have to be evacuated, and people in these remote areas are in desperate need of general and dental care.

Our project will use this adapted ambulance for three closely connected pillars:

  • medical evacuations;
  • a mobile clinic;
  • a dental care unit.

This first ambulance and its equipment are already fully funded thanks to a generous donor, the company Equilex. It will come out of revision at the beginning of January and will be operational in the field before the end of the same month. 

We do not intend to stop with one unit, and we are already raising funds to continue this operation. 

About Road to Relief:
Road to Relief is a French association under the law of 1901, founded in April 2022 to help Ukrainians in the areas most affected by the war. It specializes in the evacuation of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid on the front lines. Its activities began in April with the evacuation of Mariupol from Zaporizhia, before moving on to Kharkiv, and then Kramatorsk (Donetsk region), where the team focused on towns at the heart of the conflict, such as Sieverodonestk, Lyssychansk, Bakhmut, and dozens of villages on the frontlines.
After several months in Donbass, Road to Relief has evacuated hundreds of people, provided humanitarian aid to thousands more, and helped hundreds of families reconnect with their loved ones in areas without internet or mobile networks, many of them figuring out if they are alive or dead.

The team recently moved to Kherson. It is providing the newly liberated and badly affected villages along the Dnieper River with desperately needed humanitarian aid: water, generators, clothes, hygiene products, medicines, and building materials.

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
