Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

As we state in our name and on the home page of our website, our DNA is micro-humanitarianism and the conviction that with a little you can do a lot. 

The "little" generally corresponds to projects of between €2,000 and €20,000. But sometimes that "little" can be... "very little" and still have an impact, which is why your donations, however small, help us to develop our projects every day. 

Today's example shows what can be done with just 135 euros.

This sum has enabled us to provide Anna Legutko (https://www.facebook.com/anna.legutko.35) and its NGO Wroclaw Pomaga (https://www.facebook.com/wroclawpomaga) 2,500 disposable cutlery items to equip a summer camp for children in Kazanka, Mykolaïv oblast, to whom we also delivered children's books. as part of another ongoing project

It's basic, but essential. 

So don't hesitate, we're happy and invigorated whenever we receive a donation, because we always know what to do with it, whatever the amount. 

5 euros can also make a difference. 

Sharing this page on your social networks is already helping us!

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
