Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

100% free

100% online

100% flexible

Registration for the programme closes in...


New dates: Enrolment closes on 31 March 2024, and you will need to have completed the 20-hour course by that date.

The reconstruction of Ukraine began in the weeks following the start of the war, and one of the components of this reconstruction is economic development and entrepreneurship.

Today, in collaboration with the Greek NGO Mexoxo (Mexoxo.org), we are launching a free 100% distance learning programme for Ukrainian women, delivered by the prestigious American university of Cornell (NY), which will enable them to acquire or improve their skills in leadership, entrepreneurship, time management and career exploration. Cornell University is one of the top American universities (https://www.niche.com/colleges/cornell-university/rankings/).

Offered thanks to the support of the L'Oréal Women's Fund, this programme of almost 20 hours of teaching, entitled "Take the Lead", is a fantastic opportunity to Ukrainian women to add a prestigious and useful line to their CVs.

Practical questions : 

  • I don't speak English very well, is that a problem? 
    No. The videos are in English, but on request you can receive transcripts of all the courses in PDF format, in English as well as in Ukrainian. 
  • I am not available at fixed times for lessons.
    No problem, because the lessons are online and recorded. There are no set times, and you can take them at any time you like. You can also start a course and stop it if you need to, then resume it later.
  • I don't have a stable internet connection.
    If this is the case, you will be able to use the PDF transcripts of the courses, and you will be able to obtain your certificate on completion of all the modules.


Programme content :

The Take the Lead programme is an opportunity for you to acquire basic skills that will help you in your education and career. It includes several classes:

Class 1: Leadership - Duration: approximately 4 hours 


  • Motivating a team
  • Distinguishing between directing and managing
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Assessing your leadership


Class 2: Leading without authority - Duration: approximately 3 hours


  • Examine personal social networks
  • Suggest conflict resolution strategies
  • Distinguishing between motivating factors
  • Applying expectation theory and equity theory to influence effort and performance
  • Describing the effect of leadership on high-performance teams


Class 3: Entrepreneurial thinking - Duration: approx. 3 hours


  • Gathering resources
  • Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Establish processes and systems for new ideas
  • Developing and sustaining new opportunities


Class 4: Career assessment skills - Duration: approximately 3 hours


  • Explore your target career paths
  • Describe your job search plan
  • Create a career assessment
  • Improve your CV
  • Interview success
  • Networking practice
  • Create your personal brand


Class 5: Managing time and priorities - Duration: approximately 4 hours


  • Aligning time with priorities
  • Audit priorities to assess whether they are appropriate
  • Audit actions to evaluate time
  • Assessment for performance improvement

Applications and eligible public :

The programme is open to Ukrainian women residing in Ukraine or who left Ukraine after 24 February 2022 and who have refugee status in their host country.

The deadline for completing the course is 31 December 2023.

The registration procedure is quick and easy: 

Click on the "Register here" button and then fill in the form that opens.

Once your application has been verified (usually within 24 hours), you will receive a link and an access code to create your profile on the e-Cornell platform, and can begin your course.

Please note: you will need to have completed the 20 hours before 31 March 2024.

Welcome and good luck!

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
