🚸 The 3rd phase of our programme to support pupils in Kharkiv has just been completed, with dozens of computers distributed in the city and surrounding villages.
Conditions on the ground are increasingly difficult, with daily bombardments by the Russian army. The distribution teams have to be extra careful to reach our beneficiaries in certain villages. The last PC in this phase was delivered on 21 March, the day before the region's main power station was destroyed.
Au delà de l’aide apportée par ces PC dans le cadre de la scolarité des enfants, le signe que nous, en France au Canada et dans le monde, ne lâchons pas et continuons à être à ses côtés est important pour la population dont le moral est actuellement au plus bas depuis des mois.
❤️ Thanks to our partners Adults for Children (@adults_for_children – http://adultsforchildren.taplink.ws)which selects priority families from the hundreds of applications we receive, Action Numérique Solidaire and Régis Harpocrate (https://actionnumeriquesolidaire.org)who manage the reconditioning of the PCs and supply them to us, Agir Ensemble pour l'Ukraine (aepu.eu) and Sylvain Grenot for their immense logistical help. Without them, these distributions would not be possible.
The 4th distribution is scheduled for June. Thank you all for continuing to support us with your encouragement and financial assistance.
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