Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

We are continuing to distribute PCs to host families in the Kharkiv region. Our initiative aims to facilitate access to distance education for children. In some places, only distance learning is possible, which poses a challenge for families who do not have computers.

Computer distribution locations

This programme is being set up in collaboration with Régis Harpocrate and all the volunteers from the French NGO Action Numérique Solidaire (https://actionnumeriquesolidaire.org), and with the NGO @adults_for_children (http://adultsforchildren.taplink.ws) in Ukraine.

The computers are collected by Action Numérique Solidaire from French companies that are renewing their IT fleets, then reconditioned and reinstalled with systems in Ukrainian. We also supply new keyboards in Ukrainian.

None of this would be possible without the invaluable logistical support of the formidable Auvergne-based NGO Agir Ensemble pour l'Ukraine (aepu.eu) and the Volunteering and Help Center in Lviv (vdc.in.ua).

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
