Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

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ALL PROJECTSTransport (12)Employment (1)Clothing (1)Electricity (3)Evacuation (2)Rehabilitation (1)Power supply (5)Winter (14)Music (1)Animals (1)Reconstruction (8)Education (14)heating (9)Childhood (27)Energy (7)Disability (3)Women (2)Accommodation (5)Logistics (2)Seniors (6)Sport (4)Health (18)Culture (6)

Winter is coming. We need you, fast!

Nine months of war, nine months of suffering and desolation, but also of resistance, resilience, courage and hope. Ukraine now finds itself...

For Christmas, let's bring joy to Ukrainian orphans

Christmas is fast approaching, and for some children it will be very different from the past. According to UNICEF, one month into the conflict, 4.3 million children...

A thousand radiators to help Ukraine this winter

As part of our search for solutions to help the population as winter approaches, we got in touch with the company...

Operation 1 generator 1 village, to help Ukrainian rural areas cope with power cuts

The situation As a result of the bombardments, more than a third of Ukraine's electricity production capacity is now out of service and ...

Let's help the inhabitants of Makariv to be war, this winter

On 19 October 2022, our association was contacted by representatives from Makariv. This town, located around 30 km from Kyiv, has suffered damage...

Food kits for Kharkiv (2)

On 13 and 14 September 2022, following our payment of €500 to the mayor of Mala Danilivka, a neighbouring municipality of Kharkiv, we were able to finance the...

Relieving the humanitarian drama at the border between Belarus and Poland

Since August 2021, thousands of exiles from many different countries have been drawn here by false information about the...

Evacuation of a family from Kharkiv

On 8 May, we were contacted by Konrad, living in Kharkiv where his house had been destroyed. We had to find an evacuation plan at all costs for...

Distribution of food parcels in Kharkiv

The project On 13 and 14 September 2022, following the evacuation of Mr K.'s family in July, Polonaises Sans Frontières, in collaboration with...

Purchase of an ambulance for Kharkiv's hospital

On 23 June we were contacted by François B. and Arnaud L., who offered to work with us on the purchase of an ambulance equipped to...

Summer camp for children and teenagers in Cherkasy, south of Kyiv

Here are some images from a summer camp organised by Régina in the Chercassy region. She needs our support in order to...

Humanitarian convoy Geneva – Chernivitsi

On 6 September 2022, a convoy left Geneva for Chernivitsi in Ukraine. On board were donations of food that had not been...

The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
