📆 The end of the year has been busy for our small projects. Here's a summary of our actions over the last two months:
🔥Distribution and installation of radiators received in November from our Italian donor IRSAP (https://irsap.com) continued at Lviv City Hospital and the Unbroken rehabilitation centre, with the participation of the CF Volunteer and Help Centre (https://vdc.in.ua/en), one of Ukraine's largest humanitarian NGOs, based in Lviv.
🚚 Our truck is at work with quite a few extra kilometres on the clock as we transport a whole range of cargo, from medical beds to toilet paper! Our local partner for this programme is also CF Volunteer and Help Center.
🎟️ We have launched a raffle to raise funds for our children's programmes. For 9 euros, you can win a magnificent jacket designed by a stylist from Marioupol. With an outfit like this, your support for Ukraine won't go unnoticed! Click here for full details.
🖥️ A new batch of PCs for children in the Kharkiv Oblast arrived from France last Monday. It will enable them to continue attending classes at home in areas where schools are closed due to a lack of underground shelters. Distribution has begun and will last 1 to 2 weeks. The next batch is still in France and should leave towards the end of January. Our partners are Action Numérique Solidaire (https://actionnumeriquesolidaire.org/) and Adults for Children (http://adultsforchildren.taplink.ws). Thanks also to Agir ensemble pour l'Ukraine (https://aepu.eu/) for transport from Clermont Ferrand.
🔌 The Ukrainian winter is harsh, and although the electricity supply situation is less critical than last year, power cuts are still frequent. This year we have continued our generator deliveries in the Kharkiv region with our partner Adults for Children. This time the beneficiaries were sports centres and humanitarian hubs. Thanks also to Friends of Be an Angel (https://friendsofbeanangel.org/) for their logistical support in supplying the generators.
📚 We continued thepurchase of children's books to set up small libraries in various reception centres for internally displaced persons. Our partner on this programme is the Ukrainian publishing house Stary Lev (https://starylev.com.ua/about-us) and our friend Taya, who year after year wins prizes for the quality of their books at major European literary fairs. This month, the beneficiaries are in the villages near Vinnitsa and Zaporizhzhia, thanks to our new partner Women's March (https://www.instagram.com/marshzhinok/).
🔋 We received a request from our partner Union of Help to Kherson (https://www.facebook.com/UNIONKHERSON/) for mobile phone chargersto which we responded favourably. Around a hundred units are in the process of being delivered to families living in small villages around Kherson, who are suffering terribly from the regular bombardment of the region and the power cuts that so often result.
🇺🇦🤝🇨🇦 Help for the rebuilding of Ukraine also involves the economic dimension. In early December, we organised a venture capital conference to bring together the Ukrainian and Canadian start-up financing ecosystems. Over 60 business angels and venture capital professionals spent more than 2 hours talking to each other, and business relationships were forged. We organised this event with two partners: the UVCA (Ukrainian Venture Capital Association) and the Canadian Venture Capital Association. https://uvca.eu) and the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce (https://cucc.ca).
👩🎓 We are just a few days away from the end of the educational programme for Ukrainian women delivered by the prestigious American university of Cornell. We hope to reach a thousand participants in these distance learning classes on entrepreneurship and leadership. At the current rate of 30/40 new registrations per day, this is an achievable target. Thanks to the Greek NGO Mexoxo (https://mexoxo.org) for its confidence and to the l'Oréal Fund for Women (https://www.loreal.com/en/news/commitments/loreal-fund-for-women/) for the funding of this programme.
Finally, we are currently working on two projects:
🚑 Upgrading a ambulance which we bought and delivered to the NGO Road2Relief a year ago and which needs a facelift after months on the broken roads near the front line. (carried out by Evolunteer Charity - https://linktr.ee/evolunteer.charityThank you to them!). It is due to resume service soon, this time in the Kharkiv region, via our new partner Relief Coordination Center (https://www.instagram.com/relief_coordination_center).
⛵️ Destination Odesa! We are supporting a crazy project by transporting humanitarian aid by sailboat We'll tell you more about it in another article in a few days' time. The organiser of this rather unusual convoy is the Marseille-based NGO S.E.A. Medics (https://seamedics.org/).
🤝 Of course none of this would be possible without our generous donors who continue to enable us to carry out our mission.
🇨🇦🇺🇸🇫🇷🇺🇦🇵🇱 Thanks to them and to the extensive network we have developed in France, Canada, the United States, Poland and Ukraine, we are constantly generating impact. As we have been committed to since the start of our adventure, over a year ago, as soon as money comes in... it goes out! And a few hundred euros is enough to start a new project. That's our baseline, our DNA: micro-humanitarianism with an immediate impact.
💰 To join this chain of solidarity, visit us on our social networks and of course on our donations page by clicking here.
We wish you a very happy start to the new year.
See you soon!
Charles and Magda
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