Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

While the Russians continue to target and kill humanitarian workers, our team continues to help, this time with a new delivery of generators to bring electricity to 2 humanitarian warehouses in Kharkiv Oblast (we are withholding the names of the villages for security reasons, as these centres have become targets).

This is our DNA: "Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact": money in, money out to create an immediate impact.

Thanks to Friends of Be an Angel (https://friendsofbeanangel.org/), with whom we have been working on the supply of generators since last autumn.

Winter is coming, and we need to start preparing for it now, but we can't do it without your help.

Don't hesitate to share our action. And make a donation 🙂

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
