Micro-Humanitarian Instant Impact

As the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, with daily bombardments of power stations, the importance of our 'Stay in Touch' programme is unfortunately growing all the time. As a matter of urgency, we have decided to allocate more funds to this programme.

At times like these, when people need to get to air-raid shelters as quickly as possible, it's very important that people stay in touch. So that the elderly can pick up the phone at any time, call an ambulance or reassure their loved ones. So that schoolchildren don't have to interrupt their studies for lack of light. 

Since the launch of "Stay in Touch", which we set up with our partner NGO the Union of Help to Kherson (biz.ks.ua) set up by Kate Zhuzha and her brother Andrii, almost a thousand people in the Kherson region have already received power packs from high intensitySo they can be sure that their phones will be recharged when they need it.

For this 2nd phase of the distribution of 400 blocks, we focused on children. 

Special thanks go to Nexal Aluminium Inc. of Canada (nexal.ca) and its Chairman Bernard Masnyk, who have made this new stage in the programme possible. 

Next week, we plan to develop the same project in the Kharkiv region. More funds are needed for this programme. Vou too can help us, and have a direct impact on the situation in Ukraine.

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The Small Projects Team is a non-profit humanitarian association registered in France.

RNA NUMBER : W781009595
